


It is possible to operate the laser at reduced repetition rates, or at repetition rates set by a user-provided synchronisation signal, through an external pulse picker module. This unit consists of an optical head, using an acousto-optic modulator, and its control electronics.

Main specifications

 t-Pulse 20

t-Pulse 200-500
Diffraction efficiency > 65% > 75%

Input diameter

1.5 mm

1.5 mm

Contrast ratio 1

> 100 : 1

> 1000:1

Repetition rate

> 4 MHz to single shot

> 1 MHz to single shot
Tuning range 700-1100 nm 700-1100 nm

1  :  Selected pulse to adjacent pulse.  Contrast ratio higher  for subsequent pulses

User settings

  • Repetition rate
  • Delay
  • Output Amplitude
  • Pulse width


Interface signals

  • Synchro signal for repetition rate control, TTL
  • Direct modulation input
  • Alignment mode
  • Trigger out (monitor)

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