A new generation of ultrafast lasers
Initially introduced in the 1990s, a first generation of femtosecond lasers, using Titanium doped Sapphire as the laser material, has allowed researchers to take advantage of the short pulse duration and high optical power offered by ultrafast lasers. At the same time, advances in diode-pumping technology have dramatically reduced the size and improved the reliability of solid-state laser sources. However, due to spectroscopic structure, Ti:Sapphire is not suitable for direct diode-pumping. Ultrafast lasers have therefore not benefited to the full extent from these developments.
Now, through a combination of advanced optical technology and new laser materials, Amplitude Systemes offer a new generation of all solid-state, diode-pumped ultrafast lasers. Direct benefits for the users are reduced size, improved reliability and lower cost, and unmatched optical performances. Products include:
- t-Pulse series of high energy diode-pumped femtosecond and picosecond oscillators, with pulse energy in the microJoule level.
- s-Pulse series of high repetition rate, high average power femtosecond and picosecond amplifiers
- Optional extensions, offering extended wavelength range, ultrashort pulse duration, flexible pulse control, etc.