Glass Master 系列激光内雕系统
Series GlassMaster intravolume (subsurface) glass laser marking system is efficient tool for creation of 2D and 3D images inside of glass or other transparent material by air cooled diode pumped Nd:YAG laser. Diode pump laser technology enables to achieve higher productivity - marking speed is available up to 40 points per second. All solid-state laser design ensures less operating costs and longer maintanace free terms. These features make the system suitable for high volume manufacturing conditions in wide range of applications. 更多信息... | |
Pico Master 系列皮秒激光微加工中心
Featuring short picosecond pulses, PicoMaster is a perfect and cost effective choice for almost any process development experiment. Experiments using PicoMaster are fast and close enough to industry requirements, due to its capability to machine directly a wide range of micron scale features in almost all material at relatively high speed. 更多信息... | |
Surf Master 系列激光打标机
Surf Master series laser marking system is efficient tool for creating patterns on the surface of almost any material by all solid state diode pumped frequency tripled laser. 更多信息... | |
Nd:YAG 晶体
The most popular lasing media for solid-state lasers. EKSPLA offers standard specifications high optical quality Nd:YAG rods with high damage threshold AR @ 1064 nm coatings. | |
Flashlamp driver PS5052 is designed for flash-lamp pumped lasers and presents two channel device consisting of two capacitor charging, simmer/trigger and pulse forming modules and control circuit. | |
PCD-NH Q-开关驱动器 PCD-NH has been designed for Q-switching of nanosecond lasers without use of phase retardation plate. It has a built-in HV power supply and includes LEMO-BNC cable for trigger pulse. 更多信息... | |
NL15100 系列半导体泵浦调Q工业级Nd:YVO4 激光器 Diode pumped q-switched laser of NL15100 series features up to 15 W output power and high 100 kHz repetition rate. Less than 10 ns pulse duration and various harmonics options (532 nm, 355 nm, 266 nm) make this laser an excellent choice for industrial grade material processing applications like marking, engraving, micromachining, ablation, drilling, cutting and etc. 更多信息... | |
Motorized Fiber Coupling Stage 970-0070 with high-resolution motorized actuators ensures long-termed stability and good stiffness together with smooth motion without the severe limitations of stiction and friction. | |
连续可变衰减器/分光器,产品编号 990-0060
Divides laser beam into two beams of manually adjustable intensity ratio. 90° angle between reflected and transmitted beams. | |
Lens kits contain a selection of one inch diameter research quality lenses of all four basic shapes for optics study and research purposes. Material: BK7, FS. | |
PL2241 系列高能量皮秒锁模Nd:YAG 激光器
Featuring up to 100 mJ pulse energy and <35 picosecond pulse duration, the PL2241 series picosecond mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers from EKSPLA open new posibilites for research applications. Modifications with up to 250 Hz repetition rate speeds up data acquisition in spectroscopic systems. PL2241 series laser sets new standards among high energy picosecond mode-locked Nd:YAG lasers in reliable performance and hands-free operation. 更多信息 | |
PL10100 系列工业级半导体泵浦皮秒激光器
PL10100 series picosecond diode pumped laser offers 10 W output power at 1064 nm. It features high 100 kHz repetition rate, short 10 ps pulse duration, ~ 200 μJ pulse energy and excellent beam quality (M2 < 1.5). Stable output parameters and rugged cost-effective design establishes PL10100 series lasers as an ideal choice for micromachining applications. 更多信息... | |

Multiskop 多功能表面测量仪 |
椭偏法 表面等离子体共振光谱分析法 波导模法 反射计 布鲁斯特角显微镜方法 表面等离子体共振显微成像光谱分析法 成像椭偏法 接触角法
它不仅多才多艺,而且功能强大。 |
太赫兹时域光谱分析 ( THz-TDS )
太赫兹成像 ( THz Imaging)
太赫兹泵浦探针实验 ( Pump-Probe THz Experiments )
更多信息 |
应用在胶体与界面科学领域中的强大的表面分析工具,可以精确测量频率范围1-600Hz水表面活性剂溶液。 给出复表面粘弹模数E的实部和虚部。频率范围的扩展,使得它在相应的技术领域中处于绝对领先地位. 完全由电脑控制,用户可以在线控制所有重要参数。 |