


The external frequency conversion unit gives access to femtosecond laser emission in the visible (515 nm) and ultraviolet (343 nm). The unit comprises:
  • A second harmonic generator converts the infrared light emitted by the laser to a visible wavelength (515 nm), with a typical efficiency greater than 50%.
  • A Third Harmonic Generator converts the infrared light emitted by the laser to an ultraviolet wavelength (343 nm), with a typical efficiency on the order of 10 to 15%.
  • Wavelength separation by dichroïc mirrors.
The mechanical housing is placed at the output of the laser. Three outputs are available: Infrared, visible and ultraviolet.

  Second Harmonic Third Harmonic
Conversion efficiency
> 50% > 12%
515 nm 343 nm

Fourth harmonic generation (258 nm) is also possible. Please contact us for more information.

北京欧兰科技发展有限公司 版权所有 电子邮件:info@oplanchina.com,oplan@263.net
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