BEAMLUX II 是一种测激光光束品质的新方法
我们的产品为光束特性测量提供了一个高端测量工具,这是现代激光测试设备所必备的。 仪器、软件和辅助设备的标准化设计适合客户对光束品质进行特殊测量工作。为了更好的与研究工作实验室相匹配,我们的相机可以适用于大部分的常规光机组件。
We measure and evaluate:
EUV, UV, VIS, NIR and CO2 laser beams
laser spots with diameter smaller than 2 µm
homogenized laser beams
laser lines
laser beam quality of laser spots and collimated laser beams
near field and far field pattern of lasers, LDs and other light sources
The basic components of our beam profiler are software, camera and laser beam attenuation, UV-converter, near field lenses, laser synchronization and motor controller extend the beam profiler to a powerful measurement tool.
For most simple cw-laser applications our basic beam profiler is used.
For more complex applications and pulsed lasers our advanced beam analyser is the right choice
Special beam profilers are made for M² or near field and far field measurements and for Excimer lasers and higher order YAG lasers. |