


PIV Cameras

PIV cameras

Depending on the requirements for specific applications LaVision offers different PIV cameras.

Imager Pro X newest sensors and electronics, most efficient use of memory in camera head, low readout noise, high spatial reslolution up to 11 million pixels.

Imager intense highest sensitivity and extremely low readout noise

Imager Pro
small size, compact camera head, various sensors with different resolutions available

HighspeedStar CMOS sensors with frame rates up to several kHz at highest spatial resolution

Imager Pro HS
shortest interframe time and the capability of high speed frame rates with adjusted resolution

Product Information


  • Aero- and Hydrodynamics
  • Internal Combustion Engines
  • Mixing Flows
  • Reactive Flows
  • Flows in Pumping and Rotating Machinery
  • Spray Formation
  • Flows in Devices for Life Sciences and Biomedical Work
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联系电话:010-62623871, 62616041,62612809 传真:010-59713638
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