- 700 – 4000 cm⁻¹宽带可调谐
- 荧光干扰信号最低
- 高光谱分辨率高灵敏度
- 亚波长尺度空间分辨率
- F-CARS, E-CARS, P-CARS detection geometries
- Easy transformable to fluorescence, TPEF and SHG microscopes
- Up to 1300 μm excitation for TPEF
Up to 1300 μm excitation for TPEF
- Specially designed cost-effective picosecond tunable laser system
● 用于活体细胞研究获得无光 学漂白信号 ● ● ● 系统集成 Ekspla 最新型 PT259 激光器 ● 系统可方便地转换成双光子 激发荧光和倍频发生显微光 谱仪
- Species selective spectroscopy and microscopy
- Multimodal nonlinear imaging
- Deep tissue in vivo imaging
- Long term live cell studies
- Non-destructive research for the biological and material sciences
- Your application is welcome…
Powerful and versatile tool for vibrational spectroscopy and chemically selective imaging:
- 免标记(Label-free)光学成像
- Minimally invasive technique
- Non-photobleaching signal
- 3D sample imaging capability
- NIR pump and Stokes wavelengths suitable for deep-tissue imaging
- Picosecond pulse duration – good compromise between efficiency and spectral resolution
相干反斯托克斯拉曼光谱也称作相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射光谱(CARS) 是一种主要用于化学和物理及相关领域的光谱技术。和拉曼光谱类似其对于分子相同的振动能级特征,典型的是化学键的原子间振动,具有较高的检测灵敏度。和普通拉曼光谱学不同的之处在于,CARS 采用多个光子协同工作共同来检测分子的振动特性,因此其产生的信号光子之间彼此具有相关性。于是CARS信号强度通常比自发拉曼散射信号要高若干个量级。 CARS 是一种涉及三路激光束的三阶非线性光学过程: 一路频率为 ω pump的泵浦光,一路频率为ω Stokes 的斯托克斯光和一路频率为 ω probe的探针光. 这些路激光和样品相互作用并产生一路相干光学信号,其频率处于反斯托克斯位置: ω CARS = ω pump - ω Stokes + ω probe. 当泵浦光 ω pump 和斯托克斯光ω Stokes 频率之差接近分子某个振动跃迁频率 ω vib 时,CARS 信号ω CARS会发生共振增强。 Combining of coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy with the microscopy opens up unique method for chemical imaging. CARS microscopy permits vibrational imaging with high-sensitivity, high speed, and three-dimensional nearly diffraction limited spatial resolution.  |