- <150 fs pulse duration
- > 40 mW output power
- 1064 nm central wavelength
- 30 MHz repetition rate
- M2<1.5 beam quality
- Compact, rugged design
- Low maintenance
- Available in two versions: OEM module and stand-alone laser
- Ultrafast spectroscopy
- Time-domain terahertz spectroscopy
- Nonlinear microscopy
- Amplifier seeding
LightWire FF50 series is a cost effective turn-key femtosecond fiber laser system with femtosecond pulse fiber delivery all the way to your sample. Based on a well-established MOPA scheme, LightWire FF50 model laser delivers a reliable hands free operation due to all-in-fiber construction.
HP option brings extra power needed for your experiment, Grating compressor (FemtoGrate) option gives you flexibility to deliver optimally compressed or chirped pulses to your sample. Dual fiber option is designed for TD-THz spectroscopy. It allows a direct fiber coupling to a detector/ emitter. Uncompressed seeder option delivers 3 ps linearly chirped pulses at 1030 nm for seeding Yb regenerative amplifiers.
- HP option with amplifier for higher output power up to 150 mW
- FemtoGrate with free space compressor for pre-chirp tuning (also 1.4 times higher output power)
- Dual fiber output with fixed optical delay (0-5 ns)
- Uncompressed version with CWL 1030 nm for seeding Yb regenerative amplifiers